SeqPup, version 0.9, September 1999 SeqPup is a biological sequence editor and analysis program. It includes links to network services and external analysis programs. It is usable on common computer systems that support the Java runtime environment, including Macintosh, MS-Windows and X-Windows. This release is much easier to install and use. Features include multiple sequence alignment and single sequence editing read and write several sequence file formats sequence feature editing, manipulation and marking in prints translate dna/protein, consensus, reverse/complement, and distance methods pretty print of alignments and sequences with boxed and shaded regions Internet Sequence Retrieval System (SRS), and NCBI-BLAST searches User Plug-in sequence manipulations and analyses User-definable links to external analysis programs, including ClustalW multiple alignment, CAP contig assembly, tacg restriction map Remote program client-server interface, using CORBA protocol Additions to this Java release include sequence document and feature manipulation and display, enhanced sequence file handling, enhanced drawing/pretty print methods, including PDF output, user-developed plug-in methods for sequence analysis and display (Java classes), improved single-sequence editing, improved alignment manipulations. This application is a work in progress; it has bugs still. Your comments are welcome. Find this software at Developers will find the source code for this application and others in the iubio:/molbio/java/source folder, in the file. Comments, bug reports and suggestions can be e-mailed to === Usage and installation ===== You will need to fetch the SeqPup.jar java archive. It includes help documentation and data files, which will be installed when you first run the program. To start SeqPup from MSWindows or Unix, use one of these command lines jre -cp SeqPup.jar run (for Java 1.1.x with jre) java -cp SeqPup.jar run (for Java 1.2.x - not a recommended version) java -classpath SeqPup.jar:$CLASSPATH run (for Java 1.1.x without jre) To start SeqPup from MacOS, use the MRJ application, in SeqPup9-macos.hqx. Apple Java (MRJ) version 2.1.2 or later is recommended. There are several external analysis applications available for SeqPup, as compiled programs for MacOS and MSWindows. Find these in (MS Windows ZIP archive) seqpup9-methods-macos.sit (MacOS Stuffit archive) These should be installed in a methods/ folder in the same folder as SeqPup.jar. Java version: This program will not work properly with the Java 1.2 runtime that is now commonly available on MSWindows systems. SeqPup will work with the Java 1.1.8 for MSWindows, which can be installed in addition to Java 1.2. ==================================