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As an option, the multiple sequence alignment program Clustal W can be included as a CGI service. This wil produce tree files for display by Phylodendron from sequence data. Clustal W software is available for non-commercial use at
For HTTP server installation:
jre -cp TreeApp.jar Install app=treeprint -- or -- java -classpath TreeApp.jar:${CLASSPATH} Install app=treeprintInstalling produces several files, index.html, sample files, a print form file, and a treeprint.cgi to call the program.
or do the needed finishing touches to installation,
by making the treeprint.cgi script an executable script, as with
chmod +x treeprint.cgi
and move or symlink the treeprint.cgi into your server's
cgi-bin folder.
Application code is in TreeApp.jar, but the treeprint.cgi is configured to also look for settings in the file rez/ can edit this file to tune settings to your taste. Note that usually the HTTP server sets some environ variables such as SERVER_HOST which override these. Images and other files in rez/ are used by the html documents.
#mimetype server suffixes ## for tree files biotree/newick tree dnd newick ## for java jar files file/jar jar